Friday, July 29, 2011

A few pics from Evergreen

Here are a few pictures from my ride up Juniper pass today. Enjoy!

 Squaw pass is about halfway up Juniper Pass. As you can see, I tend to favor the tongue-out pose... what a weirdo!

This is the view from the top of Juniper pass. Again, you just can't capture it in a photo.

This is Echo Lake, about 20 miles from my start point. There is a nice little lodge (it would be to the left of the frame) where I bought a coffee and a snickers bar and chatted with nice lady behind the counter. 

It was a great ride and I wanted to share it with you guys. I came home to a lovely Denver sunset, but that one I saved just for me... Sorry!

Thanks for checkin my stuff out, its kinda flattering that there are actually that many people who care about what I have to say! Until next time, follow the Pace Rabbit!

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