Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I know, I know, kinda cliché right? A post about new beginnings on New Year's Day. Well it may not be a very creative post, but at least its something worth talking about.

I believe that change is a constant that should be embraced. Making adaptations is what keeps us sharp in whatever we do. This should be done all year round, not just on New Year's Day. I also believe that if you need to make a big change in your life, there is no need to wait for December 31st each year. However, since we're here and some of us are in need of some shaping up, lets make it happen!

Making habits, whether it be working out or being a better friend, is not something that you can ease into, you have to go all in, all the way, right away. And then, you have to stick to it for a while. Then that behavior becomes a habit. Studies show those people who stick to their resolutions throughout the whole month of January are much more likely to stick to them through the whole year. In other words, if you can do it for 4 weeks, you're all set to do it all year.

Another suggestion I might make about your resolutions is to be process-oriented rather than outcome-oriented. In other words, instead of saying "I want to lose 10 lbs" I am going to say "I want to watch what I eat very closely" (since "working out" is sort of a constant for me, I can't really add that as a goal here, but you can!) This way, I only focus on what I can control, and let the process take care of the outcome. I might only lose 8, or I might cut 12 and be really scrawny, but if I accomplish my process goals to a T, I can't be upset can I?

My resolution is a bit hard to put into words, but generally speaking I want to be a better professional in the new year. This means getting up on New Year's Day and training hungover (see yesterday's post..) This also means remembering the details like stretching and drills. Completely aside from training, this also includes the harder part of triathlon, like finding sponsors, booking travel, and managing my time. I chose to pursue this dream of mine instead of going to dental school, so I need to start acting like it.

I am feeling very refreshed and ready for the 2013 after these holidays, and I hope you are too. I wish you a wonderful New Year and the best of luck with your resolutions! Until tomorrow, FOLLOW THE PACE RABBIT!

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