Thursday, March 21, 2013

Food Blog Fridays Preview

When I first started this blog, one of the directions I wanted it to take was a food blog. I am very passionate about food and how it brings people together, tells a story, affects our mood, as well as how it nourishes us. Being a triathlete I eat a lot (wait, seriously?) and I think that's part of where my passion comes from, but for me cooking is an artistic outlet, not just a means to an end.

Evidently there is no qualification standard to becoming a "foodie," so I guess I'm just going to start calling myself one. I have worked pretty much every position in the restaurant business, I'd say I am a pretty damn good cook, and I watch Food Network a lot... That's qualification enough for me!

Combine all of the above information with my desire for motivation to blog more, and I came up with Food Blog Fridays. Every Friday I will make a post about food. It might be a recipe, it might be a restaurant review, it could be some information from the nutrition geek in me, or it might be just some sexy pictures of things you want to eat... Look for my first #FBF tomorrow! Hope y'all enjoy!

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