Friday, February 10, 2012

Race Schedule

So here it is, finally! My triathlon race schedule for the year, that is. It is going to be nice to actually have a plan, and have a coach to walk me through that plan as opposed to just flying by the seat of my pants again like the last two years. On the other hand, it is a bit scary knowing this dictates a lot of what I will do for the next, oh 6-8 months of my life!

Keep in mind, this is still fairly tentative, but I wanted to get something relatively set so I could share it with y'all. If you'll be in the area or know of anyone in the area at any of these races, let me know! I would love a couch to crash on. (Warning: I am gassy, and I tend to drool, and I consider a pool workout bathing)

Here are the links to the home pages of the race series that I am focusing on. You can find any of these big races on there.

-Clermont, FL, Mar. 3rd. This will be just to get my feet wet with the draft-legal, ITU style of racing. Also, it will be a good way to figure out where I stand. And a nice little b-day vacay after! Thanks, Anna!
-Mazatlan, MEX, Apr. 21st. This will depend on a couple things, mostly budget, but again, an ITU Pan-American cup race.
-Kansas City 5150, May 20th. Non-drafting, olympic distance race. Hopefully score some prize money here, gotta pay rent right??
-Dallas, June 2nd  Key prep before rebuilding to Buffalo, and it looks like a flat, fast course! Again, ITU race. (In my best Bart Scott voice) CAN'T WAIT! 
-Boulder 5150, August 8th. Gotta get some of that local flavor in, and hey if I can score some prize money I am not gonna complain.
-Kelawna (Can) Aug. 19. ITU race, and a good last-chance to qualify for Elite Nationals if I haven't already. 
-Buffalo, Sept. 15 Nationals. ITU elite nationals. Gotta qualify if I wanna be legit. 'Nuff said.

If I don't qualify for Elite Nationals, I will look into the 5150 championships, or some other big race around the same time. 

Also, I am hoping to do the Omaha Triathlon, Loveland Lake to Lake, a couple other local races that will act as a fast brick workout, and a fun, half-iron distance race in San Diego at the end of September with the Kompetitive Edge team. 

Well, on that note, I should get a workout in... FOLLOW THE PACE RABBIT!!!

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